February 8, 2025

Legal Authority Financial Services Terms and Conditions (Effective 04/20/07)

By submitting an application for financing, applicants are requesting the extension of credit from Legal Authority Financial Services, authorizing the company to request a credit report, and agreeing to the payment terms described herein. Each applicant certifies that that he or she is the person whose name appears on the application, or that he or she has been expressly authorized to enter into an agreement on behalf of the person whose name appears on the application. Applicants also certify that all information submitted to Legal Authority Financial Services is true and correct to the best of their knowledge. Applicants must provide Legal Authority Financial Services with updated contact information in the event that such information changes.

For a customer who is enrolled at least half-time in law school on the date of placing an order, no payments will be required for as long as that customer remains enrolled at least half-time in law school, or for 180 days, whichever is greater. If the entire principal credit balance is paid off before the end of this grace period, no interest or finance charges will be billed. If entire principal credit balance is not paid off before the end of this grace period, interest will be charged and will accrue from date of purchase and will be added to principal balance.

For all other customers (i.e., customers who are not enrolled at least half-time in law school on the date of placing an order), no payments will be required for 180 days from the date of purchase. If entire principal credit balance is paid off within 180 days from the date of purchase, no interest or finance charges will be billed. If entire principal credit balance is not paid off within 180 days from the date of purchase, interest will be charged and accrue from the date of purchase and will be added to principal balance.

The minimum monthly principal payment towards each invoice will be 1.5% of the outstanding balance, or $20.00, whichever is greater. In addition to the mininum monthly principal payment, a finance charge will be due for each month that a customer carries a balance. For each billing period in which a finance charge is due, the minimum finance charge will be $1.00. The due date shown on a customer's invoice will always be at least 15 days after the date of the invoice. Late payments are defined as payments received by Legal Authority Financial Services more than 10 days after the due date shown on the customer's invoice. A $15.00 late charge will be billed for each late payment. A $15.00 fee will be charged for returned checks. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. In the event that any of the provisions of this agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

The minimum amount of credit that will be extended to customers will be $500.00. The maximum amount of credit that will be extended to customers will be $5,000.00. Offer is subject to credit approval by Legal Authority. Credit offers subject to change without notice. Legal Authority may report information regarding your account to credit reporting agencies.

These Terms and Conditions incorporate by reference the Legal Authority Terms of Membership, available at http://www.legalauthority.com/about/tos.html. These Terms and Conditions also incorporate by reference the disclosures contained in Legal Authority's Privacy Policy, available at http://www.legalauthority.com/privacy.html. Please be aware that Legal Authority may share your personal information with our affiliate companies as described in our Privacy Policy.

California Residents: Except as limited by applicable law, we may provide credit information about your account to our affiliates from time to time. This information may be used to qualify you for other credit offers. Married persons may apply for a separate account.

New York Residents: Consumer reports may be requested in connection with the processing of this application and any resulting account. Upon your request, we will inform you of the names and addresses of any consumer reporting agencies that have provided us with such reports.

Ohio Residents: The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.

Married Wisconsin Residents: No agreement, court order, or individual statement applying to marital property will adversely affect a creditor's interests unless prior to the time credit is granted the creditor is furnished with a copy of the agreement, court order, or statement, or has actual knowledge of the adverse provision.